16th October. Bright sunshine for my first endurance life half marathon as part of the coastal trail series. Set off about 10.30am with my hip pack, consisting of food, water, hat, coat, mobile, plasters, whistle and emergency foil wrap.
first 1.5 miles went across the pebbles and shingle of Charmouth beach, which could easily drain your energy if you went too fast. then we hit the hills of the jurassic coast and i moved though from 5th to 1st now that i found my stri

de. hard to find a rythme though as it was a lot of up and down and offroad, but nice views and after 3 miles i had a lead which i held to the end of the race. At each checkpoint we had a tag on our wrist that was dipped into a machine at checkpoints. due to the fresh weather and short distance i wasn't slowed by having to stop for food and drink. was over 2min clear at the finish, but the difficulty of the course had punished my legs, but was pleased with my 1hour 38min time considering the course.
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